Audiobook Calculator online

Audiobook Calculator online

An audiobook speed calculator or simply an audiobook calculator or what you name it is a tool to determine the length of an audiobook. This gives an estimation and timeframe to the artists, authors, publishers, or producers on how long it would take to create a digital copy of the audiobook. Itโ€™s a simple and elegant tool that needs small pieces of information such as the word count of the book and the speakerโ€™s speed in words per minute (WPM).

AudioBook Calculator

Audiobook Calculator

๐ŸŽง Adjusted Time: 0h 0m 0s
๐Ÿ‘ Time Saved: 0h 0m 0s

The Audiobook speed calculator helps the production team manage and schedule the project to record a book in audio format.

While other calculators might just be focused on adjusting the playback speed of an audiotape, an audiobook calculator will compute how many hours an entire book would take to be read at different speeds. It is, in effect, an indispensable tool for the production of an audiobook, as you can probably see.

How Does an Audiobook Calculator Work?

An audiobook calculator brews the magical thing for you with just simple inputs. you typically do the following:

Word Count: You have to enter the total number of words count contained in the book. You can get this by a simple processing software or through manual calculation.

Narration Speed: This calculator is designed with three narration speeds ranging from slow, normal, and fast. You can also select a custom option to enter your narration speed.

  • Slow narration speed is set: 150 WPM
  • Normal narration speed: 160 to 170 WPM
  • Fast: 180 WPM and above
  • Custom narration speed

Audiobook speed Calculation: Once you have fulfilled the requirement of the calculator, clicking on the calculate button will display the estimated total duration of the audiobook in several hours and minutes.

For example, a book with 80,579 words read at the narration speed of 160 WPM would take approximately 8 hours and 24 minutes to read.

Why to Choose an Audiobook Calculator?

With the revolution in technology as blogs turn into vlogs, why would books left behind? Books production houses, writers, authors, and others associated with the reading and writing industry are turning their written stuff into audio formats. If you are a good listener then audiobooks would be your first choice in the digital library to get knowledge of research.

Importance of An Audio Book Calculator

Here is why the audiobook production calculator matters the most:

Accurate Time Estimates: It gives you a complete insight into the time the narration of the audiobook will take. You can make an executable plan of production. You would be able to make informed decisions such as time management, and appointments with professional artists and get the job done in a calculated timeframe.

Cost Estimation: Many production costs in the making of an audiobook rely on the total recording time. With that information, you can budget in advance on fees and studio charges for the narrator and even the editing required for post-production.

Listener Preparation: Most listeners find it hard to take a fixed amount of time to listen to a book before committing to it. The length of the audiobook will always stand in finding the right markers for advertising and setting an audience’s expectations.

The narrator’s pace: Depending on the genre of audiobooks, each genre may require a different pace for the narration. An audiobook calculator can simulate what it would be like to listen to the book read just a little slower or faster so that an ideal listening pace can be reached.

Improving listener experience Some audiobook calculators, such as a playback speed calculator, help the listener change the listening speed of the narration to his or her advantage. Knowing the base length of the audiobook would let them know how speeding up or slowing the playback would influence their listening time.

Why Use an Audiobook Calculator Rather than General Playback Calculators?

Playback calculators will teach you how to slow a recorded book down to speed, for instance, but the audiobook calculator is designed with actual production planning in mind. This helps a publisher plan and budget for an actual recording schedule.

Playback calculators are ideal for listeners who want to speed up the listening of their audiobooks or podcasts to save time. An audiobook calculator is more holistic in estimating to professionals before production commences.

Final Thoughts

The audiobook calculator is a contemporary tool that saves the time of authors, producers, and even listeners in being properly informed to make the right decisions. It’s a facilitator that ensures smooth working processes and enables better time management within the recording process.

An audiobook calculator is a great addition to the workflow, especially when you’re producing audiobooks for business or pleasure. It ensures smooth operations and better outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

Also, use our PTA tax calculator to calculate the amount of tax that you would pay on a mobile phone when you import it from another country.


What is the ideal narration speed of an audiobook?

The ideal narration speed is often at 150-180 WPM, but this depends on what kind of book it is and what the listeners prefer.

What benefit does an audiobook calculator give to authors?

The best advantage of an audiobook calculator is to determine the overall production time, which will later be one’s aid in budgeting planning and achieving realistic release times for the audiobooks.

Can an audiobook calculator estimate production costs?

Yes, because the cost of producing an audiobook is often directly tied to the time it takes to record, an audiobook calculator will benefit you by producing a total length, making it easier to estimate the narrator fees, studio time, and editing.

What is the difference between an audiobook calculator and a playback speed calculator?

An audiobook calculator will provide the total amount of time to read a book based on word count and narration speed; a playback speed calculator will alter the length of an audiobook at faster or slower playback speeds.

Would an audiobook calculator permit customized narration speeds?

Yes, most of these enable variable or custom speeds so that you can vary the speed on such an audiobook calculator for your specific production or personal desires.


A good reader of technology and Social Science. Being student of computing and software I learned a lot of things. Senior Board member at Tech Lobsters. I am passionate about Blogging and Content Creation on multiple discipline of mankind betterhood.

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