How to Install Third Party Theme on a WordPress Website

How to Install Third Party Theme on a WordPress Website

I suggest you read how to set up a Wamp server and install WordPress on Windows to test and try how they work. So, you choose WordPress as your website’s core content management system. The next step is customization and designing your front end. There are two options to do it! Install basic WordPress themes that come free, or use your own custom WordPress theme with better options and customization features. Installing 3rd party themes on the WordPress website isn’t critical, but you have to be conscious about a few things. Those things are important and narrated below, so stick to the read till the closing statement.

 Why to Choose WordPress

WordPress is an open-source content management system that allows you to make customizations of your choice. It is a no-code platform that requires little to no complex coding knowledge. It gives web developers the liberty to streamline their web development without using basic coding techniques. WordPress is a PHP-based platform that is a versatile coding language widely supported by the developer community worldwide. PHP’s hypertext preprocessor is a scripted language suitable for web development that can easily be embedded into HTML.

According to a study published in WpZoom, 43% of websites on the internet use WordPress as CMS because it has a huge database of 70k plugins for multiple tasks and more than 30k customized themes to uplift design philosophy. Moreover, WordPress forums and a broader developer community build various plugins and themes to improve the WordPress user interface. You can discuss your problems, ask queries, and get expert answers from the WordPress official forums online.

WordPress CMS is a secure platform, and its continuous update mechanism makes it more secure. So, choosing WordPress would be a wise option for beginners and startups to start their operations if you have successfully installed WordPress on your domain name and need to install a custom theme. The next step is customization and building an elegant layout.

How to Install a Custom WordPress Theme

Installing a custom theme on your WordPress website would be easy following the step-by-step instructions below. Otherwise, you can hire a WordPress Theme Customization Service anyway. This read includes installation of Newspaper X theme WordPress by tagdiv. The installation was performed on the Wamp server with the WordPress project.

  • Download a zip file of your custom WordPress theme from the vendor’s website and place it in the prominent location on your PC
  • Login to your website WordPress dashboard with credentials with administrator rights
  • Go to Appearance> Themes option
  • Click on the Add New Theme option on the top
  • Click on the upload theme on the next window
  • Choose the file and click on the Install Now button
  • Wait for a few seconds until the .zip file uploading is complete
  • You’ll be redirected to the Live preview page
  • Go to Appearance> Themes option to verify uploads. You can see new theme has been added to your themes directory, from where you can activate and do further customizations

Isn’t uploading a custom third-party theme to your WordPress website simple? You can explore various optimization options claimed by the theme vendor.

Each WordPress theme has different customization options. It is better to consult WordPress theme customization services to do their job effectively.

FAQs about WordPress

How much does it cost to install and customize a WordPress Theme?

WordPress theme customization services cost a few bucks, but they save you time when doing other things, such as content creation and project management. WordPress theme customization is a single-time investment that does not require repetitions. Once you have developed and customized your WordPress theme, there isn’t much hassle that distracts your project management workflows. Talking about how much it costs to install and customize a WordPress theme? It depends on your project’s worth. Simple blogs, including third-party themes, may cost around $1000 to $1500. While the budgets may get higher, up to $30000 for complex e-commerce websites. Well, it entirely depends on your project and investment plans.

Why install WordPress on Windows and how?

Installing WordPress on your Windows PC is simple and essential for testing various themes and plugins. You can install WordPress on your Windows PC with the help of XAMP’s Wampserver. Both servers provide you with a real-time WordPress development environment while staying offline without the internet. You can develop and configure a WordPress website or a blog, test your skills, and later give them an online touch.

Does installing a custom theme cause previous theme data to vanish on a WordPress website?

Installing the custom theme on WordPress will not delete your previous theme settings. Previous theme settings are stored in the cache folder and later restored when activating the last theme.

Why can’t I install a Custom WordPress theme?

You can’t install a custom WordPress theme on your website for multiple reasons. Those reasons might include the wrong file format—only .zip files can be installed—missing necessary files, exceeding the memory limit, exceeding the file size limit, syntax errors, and more. Evaluate the files thoroughly before uploading, which might solve this issue.


WordPress is a widely used CMS and no-code web development platform. It offers a variety of customization options compared to other CMSs such as Blogger, Joomla, and others. You can buy a custom Enzian theme WordPress and install it with simple steps. Later, you can customize it to your own choice. You can create custom headers, widgets, flyers, category grids, and product layouts and customize footer sections in custom themes. Free WordPress themes come with limited options that can be annoying later to get your project to the next level. WordPress allows you to install your customizable theme to get the best outcome.


A good reader of technology and Social Science. Being student of computing and software I learned a lot of things. Senior Board member at Tech Lobsters. I am passionate about Blogging and Content Creation on multiple discipline of mankind betterhood.